A. Kaare Nørgaard kn@oceanprocess.com |
M.Sc.E.E. 1990, MBA 1998
Professional career
- Danish Telecom 1990-94
- Brüel & Kjaer 1994-96
- Coopers & Lybrand, then PricewaterhousCoopers MCS 1996-2000
- Started up Resultmaker in Denmark 2000-08 (max. 55 employees), then
- KnowGo in Mauritius 2009-12 (6 employees), then
- Ocean Process in Denmark 2011-now (free lance network)
- Partnering with medical doctors and other clinical staff in Digital Health initatives
 Christian E. Drejøe cd@oceanprocess.com |
Professional career
- Joined Resultmaker in Denmark 2004-0x, then
- Sales and Marketing responsible for KnowGo in Mauritius 2009-12, then
- Sales and Marketing responsible for Ocean Process in Denmark 2011-now
 Søren Tang Hansen
MSc 1987, BBA 1990
Professional career
- Accenture
- PA Consulting Group
- Software AG
- IT Factory
- Resultmaker
- Partner in Winspire